The Land of the Blue Green Waterfalls
The Land of the Blue Green Waterfalls

The Land of the Blue Green Waterfalls

Havasupai, the land of the people of the blue-green waters, is a paradise of amazing waterfalls and red canyons.

The waterfalls are located 10 miles down into the canyon and away from the parking lot at the trail head at the Hilltop.

One needs to either hike or fly by helicopter to get to the village of Supai, Arizona, and then to the campground.

Havasu Falls Mooney Falls Beaver Falls Little Navajo Falls Fifty Foot Falls The Hike The Hike The Hike

To visit Havasupai, a permit is required. You have to make your reservation through their website on the first couple of hours when they open it for the general public. Permits usually get sold out for the whole year within the first few hours of open reservations day. You can also hire a mule to carry your bags down to the campground along with your reservation. The Havasupai Reservations website provides more details.

With your reservations in place, you need to plan where to stay the night before the hike and then, when the big day comes, get hiking down the canyon through the 10 mile trail to the campground.

As you get to the campground and get settled in a campsite, you will be ready to enjoy and relax by all of the incredible waterfalls of the area:

Of course, more hiking and climbing may be required to visit some of these waterfalls, but more to come on that as you visit the individual posts above.

For you to have an idea on what to expect from a trip to Havasupai, here is a summary video of my trip in March/2020.

Also, here is the link to the “Havasupai Adventure” interactive map, which shows the location of each one of the main points of interest in the Havasupai area.

Hope this information helps with the planning of your Havasupai adventure. Enjoy it!